Sunday, January 06, 2013

The Codfish/Catfish (Short Story)

The codfish is famous for its taste and highly desirable, but they are difficult to get to market.

When codfish were first being shipped, they froze them. They noticed that the flavor was lost during shipping. Somebody came up with the idea to put them in tanks and ship them in actual seawater. Even then the codfish would arrive at the market 3 or 4 days later, and would have lost much of their flavor and also lost its flakiness, becoming soft and ‘mushy’.

Finally a creative person solved the problem. The cod were placed in the seawater tank with a couple of catfish in the tank with them. The catfish is the natural enemy of codfish. During shipping the catfish would chase the codfish all around the tank the whole time, and when the fish arrived at market they were as fresh as newly caught, with no loss of flavour or texture. You see the catfish kept the cod from becoming stale. The catfish kept them fresh.

As we travel through our lifetime, we are like these codfish. We become still and stagnant and we lose our flavor. We are just waking up and doing the same things over and over every day. Sometimes we need a ‘catfish’. Just like the cat fish with the codfish, we need difficult people in our lives that would keep us alert and would chase us and keep us active.
Maybe it is difficult to have these “catfish” or challenges, but because of these difficulties it would make us grow more and more in strength and character.

Thanks to you all ‘my catfish’!
"Friends are sometimes boring,
but enemies never."
- by Mason Cooley


  1. I really like how you rendered your story. Thak you so much. It's worth the share.

  2. 魚は追いかけ回されることにより、水槽内は酸欠状態となり、


